Babur, The Founder of the Mughal Empire

Babur, The Founder of the Mughal Empire:

Babur was the founder of the Mughal Empire in India. He was born on February 14, 1483, AD. His full name was Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur. He was a strong Orthodox Sunni Muslim. His father was a ruler of a small sovereignty of Farghana. When Babur was only 11 years old, he came to the throne as a king. He faced many attacks from Persians and Afghans. Then he fled his kingdom and arranged powerful soldiers and cannons to invade India. He also had a dream to rule central Asia, So he led his army to the fertile plain of India.

Forming Mughal Dynasty


In the meantime, North India had been ruled by Afghan chieftains Lodis. Ibraheem Lodi was the ruler of Delhi, had a large army, and was one of the strongest kings of India. Before facing Ibraheem Lodi, Babur reattacked Lodi-governed Punjab several times. Finally, in 1526 AD, he directly attacked Lodi’s army at Panipat and defeated Ibraheem Lodi with his strong 12000 men, significantly less than Ibrahim Lodi’s army.

Mughal Empire:

Babur settled in Delhi and founded the Mughal dynasty in India. Later he started to expand his kingdom to form Mughal Dynasty. On the way, he defeated strong Rajputs, which had eighty thousand strong army men. Generally, Babur was a strong soldier with magnificent war skills. He used the cannons correctly in the battles, made the enemies fear, and caused them to flee from the battlefields. Babur always concentrated on the training of the soldiers and had the best cavalry, which effectively achieved the targets. With his battle skills, he occupied important places in North India: Punjab, Delhi, and Bihar. In South India, he conquered Gwalior.


Babur was an excellent Soldier rather than a Politician. He believed the government depended not on the pen but on the sword. He divided his kingdom into many parts and appointed particular ministers. They only ruled those parts and collected taxes from villagers and peasants—the collected tax was used to maintain the army and remained sent to the treasury of the Mughal Emperor. After the advent of Babur into India, the political scenario changed entirely in later years. Mostly he spent his time in the evolution of his kingdom.


Personally, Babur was very fond of listening to Music and architecture. He was interested in building beautiful architecture, but time didn’t allow him to do so. But some believe that Babur built some mosques and gardens on the ruins of Hindu temples. The Burning issue of the demolition of Babu mosque in Ayodhya also believed that he destroyed the Lord Rama temple and constructed the Mosque on the Pillars of the Temple. We can find his entire life story in the chronicles of Babarnama, which is also a masterpiece of literature in Urdu. He died on December 30, 1530, AD, at forty-eight; later, Humayun came to the throne as his successor.