Khasi Tribe The Unique Tribe in India
Khasi Tribe Brief Introduction:
Khasi Tribe is a more critical tribe among the Indian tribes. The people live in the Khasi and Jaintia Hill districts of Assam. The people are very famous all over the world and the best example extant today of a society. The tribe traces their descent from mythical female ancestors.
The family of the Khasi Tribe:

The family of the Khasi tribe has intense family bondage, and the family contains a mother, her children, her husband and her daughter and husband. The household system is very different from the customs of other tribes. At the marriage, the husband and his wife are a part of the family. When a husband shows evidence of his ability to support himself, his wife and his children, he sets up an independent household. Independent families maintain excellent relations with other families. This tradition also infected the Khasi tribe people conversion to Christianity. Another custom is that if all the female has died out, the couple adopts a girl as their daughter.
Woman’s Presence in Khasi Tribe:
The head of the woman administrates the Families. A family’s male and female earnings are given to the head woman, who looks after all individual ownership rights. The property is inherited from woman to woman. The life of the Khasi family is led by following religious rituals and ceremonial. A brother and son marry a woman in a family, and his role in the birth family closes. After the marriage, he migrates to his wife’s home, and since the men in the house are alive.
Khasi Women and Family Rituals:
The family and traditional rituals are performed by women only in the Khasi tribe. Especially the youngest daughter has all the powers to complete all cultural and t, traditional patterns. Men have no role to play in the traditions and ceremonies. The women also have a significant share of parental property. In the Hindu religion, men play a crucial role in family affairs and household rituals, but it happens differently in the Khasi tribe. The economic maintains also administrated by women. The work is also divided among men and women. Men carried out agriculture and worked hard, and women weaved at home. Especially men in the Khasi tribe respect profoundly to women, and women also address their husbands as their Lord.
The picture given above is not Khasi Women.