Eid The Festival of Purity and Scared Activity
Eid The Festival of Purity and Scared Activity:
Eid also has another name called Eid-ul-Fitr. It is the most fantastic festival for Muslims. This festival has excellent priority in Islam. Muslims all over the world celebrate this festival with great pomp and zeal.

This festival indicates the end of Ramadan, a holy month of fasting. Fasting is a religious activity in the lives of Muslims, and Muslims observe fasts for an entire month after sighting the moon of Ramzan. After the end of the month ‘Of Ramzan, Muslim people see the moon of Eid sighted and end their fasts. These fasts are called Roja. In this way, the Muslims break their long fasting of the month, ‘Ramzan’. The next day of the moon’s appearance, the devotees celebrate the festival of Eid. The festival arrives on the first day of the month of Shawwal. The month is famous for festivity and fasting.
Ramzan and Islam Beliefs:
Islam believes fasting in the month of ‘Ramzan’ purifies the soul. And also, the devotees believe that the ‘Namaz’ or prayers after fasting save them to avoid going to hell due to their sins; instead of that the prayers show the way for the devotees to go to heaven, like keeping their time in prayers and leading the Ramazan month with fasting. During this month, the Muslims offer regular prayers in the form of Namaz and observe fasts. They also read the Koran regularly, feed the hungry, and give alms to the poor. Islam intoned about the importance of charity, the greatest virtue to be practised during the month of ‘Ramzan’. Muslims also believe that seeing the new moon at the end of Ramzan is considered a very pious and holy activity. The moon is also a signal to celebrate Eid the next day.
Devotees on Ramzan Day:

Early morning,e moon appeared the next day; the Muslim people woke up early in the morning, took baths, and dressed well. They have also decorated the house with glittering colours to show a beautiful appearance. The men of the family go to the Mosque and thank Allah and offer prayers in the form of ‘Namaz’. After the prayers, all the Muslim brothers embrace one another and exchange Eid greetings. All the Muslims chant the ‘eid, Mubarak’. At home, women prepare delicious dishes. They also distribute their neighbour’s dishes and sweets. Some families invite friends and relatives for the feasts. On this day swe, et noodles are the most popular dish. The children enjoy the day by doing some work and playing games in their way.
Eid celebrations in India:
In India, the festival represents the harmony of the people. All communities greet the Muslims and participate in the Eid celebrations. The Hindus, Sikhs, and Christians also welcome the Muslims and treat them as their brothers. The celebrations of Eid promote rational integrity and the feeling of brotherhood. This is the festival of love and goodwill. The festival gives us the message to love all and hate none. It exhorts goodbye to hatred, Jealousy and brings passion and brotherhood among humans.