Yoga Sutras the Indians miracle
Yoga Sutras Indians another invention:
Indians invented yoga sutras; gurus have conducted Yoga classes for thousands of years. Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means ‘to add’, to join, to unite or to attach. Yoga is a 5000-year-old Indian body of knowledge. It means the union of the individual consciousness or soul with the consciousness of the spirit of the Universe. According to Panini, who wrote the YSutrastras, Yoga means concentration. The word concentration is familiar to the present Yoga world.
The origins of Yoga have been a matter of debate for thousands of years. Especially Yoga classes occurred in ancient India. Some excavations in the Indus valley by historians found the coins of Pasupati, who was worshipped by the Indus valley people. The figures are in positions resembling Yoga or Meditation poses. So some said Yoga was born in the Indus Valley civilization. Yoga classes were also practised in those days.

The Philosophical school of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism also followed the way of practising Yoga from 200B CE to 500 CE. In the 19th century, Yoga classes educated the western public along with other Indian philosophical topics. Yoga gurus from India travelled to western countries, conducted Yoga classes there, and explained the importance of Yoga in daily life. Among them, Swami Vivekananda, the famous Indian philosopher, worked very hard to evolute the idea of doing Yoga by western people. In later years, it became trendy across the world of the west. Now around the globe so, many gurus conduct Yoga classes.
Living Yoga:
Yoga is a way of life that integrates all elements of ancient knowledge, which makes the practiser discipline uniting the body, mind and soul. That combines strengthening and straitening poses with deep breathing and relaxation.
In ancient scriptures:
Yoga is mentioned in Katha Upanishad, composed fourth to third century BCE. The Upanishad says that Yoga is a way of mental activity, concentrating mind and body at one point to lead to a supreme state of relaxation.
-Maitrayaniya Upanishad also discussed Yoga.
-Yoga Vasistha, composed in 1st and 2 nd millennium CE. We also discussed the methods of Yoga.
They are:
Karma Yoga – f action.
Bhakti Yoga – Devotion.
Jnana Yoga – Symbolises Knowledge.
Mahabharata, Ramayana, Buddhist scriptures, Jainism and every scripture of India have discussed these practices and their importance for the lead a peaceful life.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras:
They are
1.Yama (the five abstentions) – Ahimsa(non-violence), Satya(truthfulness), Astaya(non stealing), Brahmacharya(celibacy)
- Niyama(the five observances) – Sauca(purity), Santosha(contentment), Tapas(perseverance), Svadhyaya(study of self) and Ishvara-panidarma(True self)
- Asana: Seated position used for meditation.
- Pranayama _ Suspending breath.
- Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the sense organs from external objects.
- Dharana – Fixing the concentration on a single object.
- Dhyana – Doing Meditation.
- Samadhi – Getting liberation from the sense.
10. will add some more articles to this topic]