Vedas – The Ancient Sacred Books Of Hinduism
Vedas Very Ancient Sacred Books of Hindus:
Vedas are very ancient Books in world history. The Hindu devotees worship these sacred books with the utmost respect—the present concept of Hinduism revolves around Sacred Books. Hinduism has been thriving by following the principles of the Vedas. The word Veda means the root of knowing knowledge and also self-realisation. The entire concept of books gives us a lot of knowledge. The Rishis realised the importance of sacred ones and their principles and were interested in learning with the utmost respect. The pronouncing of the hymns of holy books releases divine vibrations around us, and the listener’s minds become very peaceful and experience ecstasy. Still, many seers and scholars rediscover the internal concepts of these sacred books.

In ancient times there were no printing materials to preserve the Vedas as a book. So the Rushis and priests learnt them from their masters and taught them orally to the next generations. The Vedas are still alive, and the texts are pronounced rhythmically from one to another in the olden days. So the concepts of Vedas have been transforming from one generation to another.
The Vedas are divided into four parts: Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. Due to the classification, some sub-classifications are added to these four Vedas: Samhitas, Brahmans, Upanishads and Aranyakas. These four belonged to each of the four Vedas.
Rig Veda:

According to History, the Rig Veda is the earliest literature in the world. The Veda has 1028 hymns of praise. This Book discussed ‘Rta’, which means cosmic and sacred order and also discussed the harmonically integrated structure of reality. ‘Rta’ gives two worlds one is ‘Rite’ and another one is ‘right’.
The composition of Rig Veda has no historical determinable or cannot estimate the particular period. The Rig Veda was classified from the output of many sages and Rishis. They observed nature and its creative power; they added their views as Mantras, Songs and Prayers. These Views and Mantras collectively added as Rig Veda from various Sages and Rishis. These ideas of Rishis discussed the eternal truth of nature and the Universe.
Yajur Veda:
Rig Veda is also a collection of hymns about the information of Rig Vedic civilisation. It contains Sanskrit mantras that are dated back to 12000 BC – 4000 BC. In Rig Veda, there are 1017 hymns, which have 10600 stanzas. This Book discusses the performance of ceremonies and rituals in the daily life of Hindus.
Sama Veda:
In Sama, Veda Rishis discussed the music. It also mentioned the appropriate time to sing hymns with correct modulations and intonations. Indian classical music roots are thoroughly discussed in Sama Veda.
Atharva Veda:
The Atharva Veda discusses ethical principles. Atharva Veda discussed Ayurveda, the science of health and remedies for some diseases. In this Veda, Tantras and ritualistic esoteric knowledge she was are also discussed.