Buddhist Wedding
Buddhist wedding
The Buddhist wedding ceremony is straightforward and does not involve more ritual and traditional followings. The bride and groom and their family members put faith in marriage and the relationship between the couple. They keep faith in God and follow less religious rituals.

Traditions of Buddhist marriage are performed in two ways. One is the Buddhist component and the non-Buddhist part. In the Buddhist region, the wedding ceremony is held before the sBuddha’s idol, offering prayers to the Lord Buddha and distributing wedding gifts to the monks. In tIn the non-Buddhist part, the bride and groom families accompany and follow the practices of the wedding traditions. In ancient times, the monk’s presence at a Buddhist wedding was unsuitable. So they didn’t participate in the marriage ceremony Since they were required to be present at funerals. The Buddhist marriage ceremony is customarily conducted in a temple. These days Buddhist monks are also present at the ceremony but leave for lunch as soon as the marriage is completed.
Rituals of Buddhist Marriage
The Buddhist wedding is based mainly on horoscope matching. After matching the horoscope of both parties, the boy’s family consult Lama for an auspicious day for putting the marriage proposal. Later in the bride’s family, the bride’s maternal uncle is seated on a platform and offers prayers to Buddha. Then the priest chants some mantras and gives him and the whole family a holy drink. Then the astrologer fixes the date for the wedding.

Buddhist Wedding Vows
Mainly the Buddhist wedding ceremony conducts in Buddhist temples. On the wedding day, the bride, bridegroom, family members and friends attend the temple and bow in front of the Buddha image. After that, the couple recites specific prayers and light incense sticks before the Buddha image. Then the elders of both families put a loop of strings to the couple’s heads and unite them. During this time, they promised the wedding vows before Lord Buddha. After the ritual, the couple offers the monks food, sweets and medicines. Then the temple priest recites some chantings in the Pali language and applies a red paste on the foreheads of the bride and groom.
The Buddhist marriage has been changing according to the changes in society. First, the monks did not attend the marriage, only heard the funerals, but now the same monks play an essential role in Buddhist Weddings.
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