Amarnath Temple, The Famous Lord Shiva Temple
Amarnath Temple Place for Snow Shivalingam:
Amaranth temple is a famous Hindu temple in India. This temple is a sacred place to the Hindus in Kashmir. Himalayan Valleys surround the temple. This temple is devoted to Lord Shiva and dates back 5000 years. This is a cave temple seated 12750 ft high above sea level. Every year, many devotees visit the temple from various places worldwide. They see the temple and worship Lord Shiva to seek salvation and inner peace. Here the holy Shiva Lingam is formed with the ice. Water drops fell into the Amarnath cave from May to August and froze under shallow temperatures. The Holy Shiva Lingam formed and started melting after August. The Pilgrims can watch the water drops through the cave, freezing on Shiva Lingam. Here the form of the Shiva Lingam seems a miracle and causes the devotees to keep faith in the sacred place.
Origin of the Amarnath Temple:
According to the Hindu mythologies, once Lord Shiva wanted to explain the secret of life and eternity to Goddess Parvathi. So he wanted an isolated place where no one could allow hearing the secret. He chose a cave that is surrounded by Himalayan ranges. Then Shiva left his vehicle Nandi at Pahalgam, His son Lord Ganesha in Mahaguna hills, Snake at Lake Sheshnag and the five elements of life at Panjitarni to protect the isolated discussions of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. They all blocked every creature from crossing the Amarnath cave. Then Lord Shiva explained the Amar Katha to goddess Parvathi. In the meantime, a pair of doves overheard the private lessons abiding in the cave. Whenever the doves heard the personal story, they became immortal. Still, we can see a dove pair in Amarnath cave, which is believed to be the same doves.
Story Behind the Popularity of Amarnath Temple:
Once there lived a poor shepherd called Buta Malik. He daily took out his herd to the hilly area. One day Buta Malik met a sage and worshipped him, and then the sage gifted him a bag of coal. Buta Malik reached home and poured the coal on the ground, which turned into gold. Then Buta thought the sage was not average, quickly ran back to meet him and was not found. But he founded a Shiva Lingam in a cave, where he met Sage. He worshipped Shivalingam and revealed the miracle to his villagers. Thus the place became very famous.
Attractions Around Amarnath Temple:
Here are the main attractions, Shiva Lingam and the snow-covered Himalayan range. The Shiva Lingam formed naturally and melted according to the Moon’s decreasing size. Here the Goddess Parvathi and Lord Ganesh temples are famous. Amarnath and Pahalgam are other Pilgrim places.
April to October are the best visiting times to visit Amarnath. The government provides the best facilities to the pilgrims. The Indian army is also playing a crucial role in the safe journey of the Pilgrims.