Nur Jahan Most Powerful Mughal Queen
Nur Jahan Brief History:

Nur Jahan was born on May 31, 1577, in a Persian Noble family in Kandahar, Present in Afghanistan. Her father Mirza Ghias Beg and mother Asmat Begum. When Nur Jahan was born, their family fate turned into a fortune. So they named her Mehr-un-Nissa, which means Sun among women. At first, he worked as a treasurer in Kabul. His name spread as an honest man, so Akbar appointed him in his court as a minister: Nur Jahan, a multi-talented student. Mehr-un-Nissa learnt Arabic and Persian languages. The Girl is interested in writing poetry and learnt music and dance. She fell in love with a Persian soldier, Sher Afgan, and the Akbar court General. She married him at 17; however, prince Jahangir, the eldest son of Akbar, fell in love with her beauty. After Shah Jahan became the Emperor of the Mughal Empire, Sher Afgan met his death. This death caused a deep grievance, and it took three years to come out from the lamentation to Nur Jahan. Jahangir is still in deep love with her. Their love story had a resemblance to Anarkali. But here the difference was Anarkali, a dancing girl and not married before her love. In the love story of Nur Jahan, she married the love of Jahangir.
Nur Jahan’s Two Marriages:
Sher Afgan Khan fled from Persia when attacks demised his master. He joined the Mughal army as a soldier. His services appeased Akbar and made him the General of the Army. Akbar celebrated the marriage between Sher Afgan and Mehrunnisa Begam. The couple had a daughter born in 1605 named Ladhi Begum. Sher Afgan has murdered in the year 1607 AD by the infuse of Jahangir plans. After the death of Sher Afgan, Jahangir sent a summons to Nur Jahan to Agra to assist his stepmother Ruqaiya Sultan Begum.

For the protection of Nur Jahan’s family, she went to Agra with her daughter. There she spent four years doing service to Ruqaiya Sultan Begum. In 1611 AD, Nur Jahan came across Jahangir in Meena Bazar during the New Year celebrations. Then, passionate Jahangir proposed to her and married on May 25 of the same year. She was Jahangir’s twelfth legal wife, blessed two children, possessed physical strength, and went hunting with her husband. She was interested in hunting tigers, killing four at a time with six bullets.
As a Powerful Queen:
After the wedding with Jahangir, Nur Jahan gained ascendancy over Jahangir. She was well educated, straightforward, strong-minded woman. So it was accessible to her to erupt into the political affairs of the EmEmperorShe started dominating the decisions of the emEmperorahangir. Nur Jahan became the more influential woman in the court of the Mughals. She was very active than her husband in administrative decisions. For nearly fifteen years, the administration of the Mughal runs under her signs. The mighty queen attended and held court independently when Jahangir felt ill—even the EmEmperorsks her opinions before issuing orders. Before every document or order receives legal validity, Nur Jahan looks into the charges keenly.
Clashes with Shah Jahan:
There were tensions occurred between Nur Jahan and Prince Shah Jahan. Prince Khurram didn’t accept her leading position in the Mughal Empire. Once the Persian troops seized the Mughal province. Then she ordered Khurram to march to Kandahar. But Khurram refused her orders, and Kandahar went into the hands of Persians. Nur Jahan and Shah Jahan both struggled with each other to gain supremacy.
After Jahangir’s death, a conflict happened with Shah Jahan. With the unexpected incidents, Shah Jahan, through the plans of Nur Jahan, became the EmEmperorf the Mughal Empire. Nur Jahan spent the remaining days with her daughter Ladli in a comfortable mansion. She also built her tomb in Lahore named Shahdara Bagh. In her final days, she composed Persian poems under the title of Makhfi, which means ‘Hidden One’. Finally, she died on December 17, 1645, and was buried in Shahdara Bagh.