Padmanabhaswamy Temple History
Padmanabhaswamy temple History:
Padmanabhaswamy temple is a terrifying place for the Hindus. It is very famous all over the world. After the treasure is found under the Temple blocks, the fame spreads.
It isn’t easy for the historians who constructed the Temple and when. The presence of the Temple was mentioned in the Hindu epics and Puranas. In Srimad Bhagavatha, once Balarama visited this Temple, bathed in Padmatheertham, worshipped the god and made several offerings. So we can think that the Temple was constructed long years ago. Some historians, scholars, and writers failed to bring the year of the construction of this Temple. In the view of Dr L.A.Ravi Varma of Travancore, this Temple was established on the first day of Kali Yuga, which happened over 5000 years ago. Another story also gives a brief history of the construction of this Temple, that in the famous grantha entitled ‘Ananthasayana Swamy Mahatmya” mentions that the was reinstalled the idol by a Tulu Brahmin Divakara Muni. Then the ruler Kotha Marthandan built the Abhisravana Mandapam in the 1960 Kaliyuga year.

Padmanabhaswamy Temple and Story:
From the story of Ananthasayana Mahatyam, Divakara Muni was a great devotee of Vishnu. He always worships Vishnu with his utmost dedication. He wanted to see Lord Vishnu one day, so he performed deep chanting for years. One day Maha Vishnu appeased his ‘Tapassu’, who appeared before him as a lovely child. The sage cannot identify Lord Vishnu and is attracted to the charming child. Then he unconsciously requested the Godchild to stay with him. The Godchild agreed to his proposal and put a condition that Divakara Muni should treat him with respect. If he fails to do so, then he vanishes at once. Muni accepted this condition, and the child stayed with him. The Sanyasi never got angry at the boy and tolerated the childish pranks.
One day, the Sanyasi was in deep meditation on his prayers, and then the child took the ‘Salagram’ and put it into the mouth of the Sanyaasi. This caused Divakara Muni to get very angry and beat the boy by forgetting his confession. Immediately the child told Muni if they wished to see me again, they would find me again in ‘Ananthankaadu’ and disappear from the spot. Then only Divakara Muni realized who the boy was and suffered inconsolable grief. One day he started walking towards the way where the boy disappeared; he saw a vast ‘Ilapaa’ tree which seemed him in the form of Lord Vishnu. As soon as he saw the tree, it fell to the ground. The was spread nearly 8 miles. Then Divakara Muni prayed Lord to come into the size of bearable to behold Him with hands. His prayers had been granted. He immediately offered Him a raw mango in a coconut shell. The Lord ordained that Tulu Brahmins should conduct poojas to Him. Still, half of the Brahmins belong to the Tulu region, and the offering is followed by putting raw mango in a coconut shell. Of course, so many stories are roaming around the Temple’s origin.

Padmanabhaswamy Temple Development:
The Temple was reconstructed in the year 1050 A.D. The then rulers changed the management and the organization. The direction celebrated ten days festival ‘Alpasi Utsavam’ in this Temple in 1375 A.D. In the year 1459 A.D., the Idol of Sree Padmanabhaswamy was kept in ‘Balalaya’ to reconstruct the roof of the sanctum sanctorum. The famous king Veera Marthanda Varma completely took power over the management and administration of the Temple.
The Important Events held in the Padmanabhaswamy Temple:
In 1461 A.D., the idol was installed and put up an Ottakkal Mandapam.
In 1566 A.D., the foundation was laid for the Gopuram.
In 1686 A.D., the Temple was destroyed in a major fire accident.
In 1729 the great ruler Marthanda Varma became the king of Travancore and renovated the Temple.
In 1758 Kulasekhara Mandapam was built by Sree Karthika Thirunal Rama Varma.
In 1820 a large mural was added to the Ananthasayanam.