Guru Purnima, Praying Guru
Significance of Guru Purnima:
Guru Purnima is a very sacred festival to the Hindus. It is celebrated in remembrance and veneration of sage Vyas, also called Vyas Purnima. He classified the Vedas and wrote the eighteen Puranas and the Mahabharata, so his disciples offered Pujas to him. So the day is also called Guru Purnima. It is celebrated on the full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashadh (June to August) about the Hindu calendar.

Meaning of Guru Purnima:
Purnima word is used because, on this day, there is a full moon. Celebrating this festival has a deep significance: the disciples their lives to the Gurus, thanking them for the knowledge they have provided to the learner. Guru is a Sanskrit word; ‘Gu’ means darkness or ignorance. ‘Ru’ means remover of that darkness. One who removed the night of our ignorance and inspired us to learn knowledge is the Guru.
This day also has profound significance for the farmers. They celebrate this day for their aspiration of much-needed rains. The advent of cool showers ushered in new life in the fields.
Changes in Celebrations:
In Indian tradition, the festival celebrates on a grand scale. Over the years, the way of commemorating Guru Purnima has changed a lot. In the ancient periods, all the disciples gathered and used to host a special prayer for their Gurus; in those prayers, they recited their Gurus’ greatness and nobleness. At present, the celebration turned to going to the temples and offering prayers to the Gods and Seers. A guru can be anyone who inspires you to learn knowledge or causes you to build up your career properly; those are also gurus.
Parents are also Gurus; they teach their children how to sustain in life in the best way. In the olden days, the Guru’s concept of teachings links god and the human soul. In everyone’s life, one should have Guru necessary to remove ignorance from our mind to lead admirable life.
The Buddhists also celebrate this day in hon honour of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha preached his first preaching to his disciples on Purnima day at Sarnath.