Bhujangasana-The Cobra Position
Bhujangasana is very easy to practice. First, lie on your stomach with your palms on the ground. Now inhale the breath entirely and hold the breath for a few seconds. Now slowly raise the head and trunk, leaning back as far as possible. During this time, do not raise the abdominal region from the ground. Keep in this position for a few seconds, and now exhale the breath slowly. Hence Practise this Bujangasana 2 or 3 times daily. Don’t do this quickly, Asanas.
Bhujangasana Benefits:

Practising the Bhujangasana makes the muscles of the back come into perfect force. So these Asanas may help to correct discs that have slipped slightly. The practice cures back pains, making the spinal column more flexible and keeping it in a good position. This Bujangasana practice also benefits the kidneys and digestive organs to work more effectively.

Ardha Bhujangasana:
Now touch the ground with the left knee and put it out in front like in the Picture. Directly Inhale the breath entirely, move the body’s weight forward without bending the torso, and slowly exhale the breath. Hence stay in this pose for a few seconds. Practise this asana 2 or 3 times daily.
I am practising this Ardh Bhujangasana is helpful to the kidneys to function correctly and prevent the formation of fat around the hips. This is also very helpful in bringing more flexibility to the spinal column, legs, and ankles.
Yoga Poses SalaBhasana:
Salabasana is a different way to Bhujangasana. Now lie on your stomach, with your forehead touching the ground, clench your fists, and stretch the arms beside the body. Later inhale the breath completely. Now with the support of fists, raise the legs as high as possible, like in the Picture’s position. Stay for a few seconds and exhale while slowly lowering the legs. Practise this exercise 2 or 3 times daily. While practising, please do it slowly, avoid it quickly, and don’t stress about your stomach.
This exercise will relax the back, arms, and abdomen muscles. Practising this exercise brings an ample blood supply to the kidneys and has a beneficial effect on digestive organs.
Yoga Poses Dhanurasana:
Now you lie on your stomach and bend the knees whilst keeping together. Hold the ankles with the hands and rest the chin on the ground. Directly inhale as incomplete Yogic breathing. Then raise the leg, head and upper body and stay a few seconds. Now exhale the breath and relax the body gradually.
This exercise strengthens the nervous system in the body and tones up the abdominal organs. It is the best exercise for women to avoid irregular menstruation and prevent fat from forming around the stomach and hips.