Home Remedies for Cough

Home Remedies for Cough:

Coughing is not a disease, but it disturbs our health and sleep. When we are concentrating on working, it concerns our concentration and also bothers people around us. Coughing also causes to infect getting colds and influenza. Here are some home remedies to calm down coughing.
The common causes of cough are Asthma, cold and flu, smoking and others.

home remedies for cough
Home remedies for coughing Turmeric:

Turmeric is a very suitable home remedy for coughing. Turmeric is an excellent source of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral action. These are very helpful in treating viral infections like coughs and colds.
Take a glass of warm milk, mixed with one teaspoon of turmeric powder, before going to sleep for a blissful sleep.
Mix a teaspoon of Honey with turmeric powder, and take 3 or 4 times daily. Burn the dried turmeric root and inhale the smell of the smoke. It will quickly relax you from the coughing.

Best Home remedy for cough Lemon:

Lemon is also the best source of reducing coughing. It has the best vitamin C source, which helps reduce infection. Vitamin C can cure a cold, flu and cough.
Take a glass of water, half a teaspoon of Honey, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Now mix all with water and drink immediately.

home remedies for cough
Hot Milk with Honey:

A home remedy for a cough is the liquid of mixing Honey and hot milk also reduces coughing. The fluid smooths a rough throat and eases a wheezing cough.
Now mix a cup of hot milk and a teaspoon of Honey. Before bed, drink milk; it also relaxes coughing and reduces chest pain.

Home remedy for a cough, Garlic:

Garlic is the best natural object to cure coughing. It has no side effects and works on infection effectively. It has the qualities of antibiotic and antiviral properties. Take three cloves of Garlic and one glass of water. Now crush the garlic cloves into the water and low heat for half an hour. Later cool it and drink, then it reduces the coughing.

home remedies for cough
Ginger and Peppermint Syrup:

Ginger well knew it was always in the kitchen in everyone’s home. It has expectorant qualities, which help to push out mucous from the lungs. Peppermint soothes the throat and reduces coughing.
Take 4 cups of water, three teaspoons of chopped ginger, ten peppermint leaves, and half a teaspoon of Honey. Now, pour 4 cups of water into a clean dish, add ginger and peppermint leaves, and place it on the stove. Let half-boiled water flow into a cup. Now add Honey and sip the water daily.

Salt Gargle Water:

Salt Gargle water can give you quick relief from a cough. Take a glass of water and one teaspoon of salt. Now dissolve the salt in the water and make warm the water. Later a few minutes of drinking the water will quickly relieve coughing. It is the best home remedy for a cough.

honey benfits
Best home remedy for cough Honey:

Honey is accommodating in many ways to humans. It has antibacterial properties. It has been the best home remedy for cough for many centuries. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and other civilized people used honey to cure cough.
It is straightforward to use Honey in daily life. Take one teaspoon of Honey and swallow it before going to bed. Do not apply this to children who are below three years.

Onion the simple home remedy for cough:

Onion is the best home remedy for a cough. By using the Onion, one can get relief from coughing. First, take one Onion, slice it in half, and inhale the vapours; then, one can get relief from the coughing.


Almonds have moisturizing content and nutritional abilities. Soak almonds at night, and in the early morning, eat the soaked almonds; this can relieve you from a cough.

5. Water:

Continuous coughing can rack up your chest and make your lungs dry. So water is the best source to keep the lungs and throat wet. Frequently taking water can soothe the irritated throat and reduce coughing.

Mustard Oil:

Mustard-Oil has the qualities antibacterial, antifungal and anti-rheumatic. These are very helpful in reducing the coughing problem.
Now take three teaspoons of mustard oil and heat it with a pinch of carom seeds and a clove of Garlic. Now cool down the oil and apply the oil to the chest before bed. This method helps reduce the coughing problem.

Steam with Vicks Vaporub:

This method is straightforward and quickly relieves you from a cough. You take a big dish of boiling water, add Vicks vaporub to boiling water, and place it on the floor. Now drape a towel over your head, go near the stream, and inhale completely. This can cause quick relief from a cough.